About Tiptop Planet Services 

We enable Businesses and Organizations with Management and Software Consulting . We do  Assessment and Auditing of Business , People and communication process Management with Soft Infrastructure Consulting. Our specific services include the following:


TIPTOP Services -


  • Integration
  • API
  • Hybrid-data
  • SSO
  • IOT
  • AI


  • Communication
  • CMS
  • Contact
  • Social
  • KMS
  • Customer/Advisor


  • Vision
  • OGM
  • Strategy
  • Action Plan
  • Scheduled
  • Calendar


  • Mission
  • Academy
  • Role Engine
  • Delegation Engine
  • Rule-engine
  • IT-Business


  • HRM
  • Work-space
  • Tip Top Mail
  • ERP-Integration
  • Cost-effective


  • Performance
  • Reporting
  • Anywhere-start
  • HRIS
  • Balance-score
  • Job - Succession

Key Values and Strengths 

We apply our proven methodology to all areas of our customers’ organization — infrastructure, management, audit services and technology. We provide  insight  and leadership proven to minimize risk, accelerate implementation and increase the value of your project. We serve as trusted advisers by exercising fiduciary responsibility to our clients. In addition, we provide the following value to our client base:

  • Experience with SERP implementation
  • Experience in creating HUI for aligned and effective work force as service delivery is people dependent
  • Independent and technology-agnostic
  • Best practice and proprietary tools and methods
  • International group of consultants prepared to work on-site with your team
  • Consulting team with strong business, operational and technology backgrounds
  • Focus on achieving effectiveness with efficiency
  • Building score cards for insight into performance to granular level